It was another nice weekend!
Friday afternoon, I decided it was finally time to get outside and clean off our carport. It has been organized chaos for a while because we are also trying to clean out and organize the storage building/garage, so the carport was where some of the stuff ended up that we moved out of the garage. I wish I had taken before and after pictures :/

The clearing out didn’t seem to take too long, and once we were finished, it was time for supper, relaxing, and TV and kitty time 🙂
I was up early, fed the cats, bundled up, and headed out for a run.

Back home, I was ready for breakfast, coffee, TV, and kitty-loving.

After breakfast, I did get some church work and blogging done. That lasted until lunchtime and was followed by a little more work.

Before too long, it was time for showers, laundry, supper, TV, and bedtime.

This Sunday was like most (and if you’ve been reading a while, I love it all!). We did have a Children’s Department Appreciation Lunch & meeting after church. It was for appreciating our children’s team, but it was also about appreciating our Children’s Director. She is the best!!

After that, I came home and spent the rest of the evening/night doing what I love…relaxing and loving on cats 🙂

Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

I love how you run in all kinds of weather-very inspirational!