I read a post where Anne, from Modern Miss Darcy, was talking about February 2 being the middle of winter and how this is not always the easiest time, or season, for many people. She shared 10 things that are saving her life right now. While winter doesn’t bother me, it did get me to thinking about the things that makes me the happiest right now.
1. Reading.
It’s the time by myself, the time away from it all. It is an escape to
somewhere else. While my reading genres are quite varied, I enjoy every
single one. Sometimes it’s crime/mystery, sometimes it’s about running,
sometimes it’s just something different. My reading time is something I
look forward to.
2. Running.
This is really two-fold. It is (1) beneficial to my health, and (2) it is helpful
mentally. Running has helped me lose weight and made me stronger. It
is also a stress reliever, a therapy session. Running isn’t easy but I love
how I feel while I’m running (most of the time) but especially once I am
finished. I feel like I have accomplished something, and that all of the
problems of the world are solved. if only it was that easy….
3. Bible.
I know this probably sounds cliché, but reading the Bible is saving me.
Two or three years ago, I decided to read the entire Bible in a year. I have
decided to do that again this year and am amazed at how things are
sticking in my mind more than it did before, and what I read hits different
this time.
4. Sunshine.
I am not one that suffers with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I’m
not one to be down when it is constantly cold and dreary in the winter,
but I do really enjoy a sunshiny day, and especially one where there is
still snow on the ground!
5. Time at the gym.
Similar to running, this is a time where I can “pound out” the problems of
the day, or week. There’s just something about sweat (and sometimes
blood and tears from laughing) that actually makes me feel better. I’m
sure it’s the sense of accomplishment… Since I workout with my
best friends, there’s always the time with a friend that makes things
better too.
6. Blue, Lucy, Luna.
If you have a pet, then you know. I can have a bad day and come home
to their sweet personalities and purring and everything just falls away.
They seem to know when I need the loving the most. Even when I’m not
down, just watching them run and play…and even sleep, makes me feel
better, even when I don’t think I need it.
7. Family.
My family is small but we get along well, especially my mom and me.
While my sister doesn’t live in the same town and we don’t get to see her
much, she is still only an hour and a half away, and my grandmother
lives across the street. We may be small but we are close. I can have a
bad day, or be down about something, and all I have to do is talk to one
of them and I feel better. I am thankful that I have that kind of
encouragement when I need it most…and sometimes even when I don’t
know I need it.