I recently found this linkup and I wanted to join in with Marsha in the Middle. Every month has a different prompt but let’s get into February’s: 10 “Would you rather…” questions related to Valentine’s Day. I’ll be honest – I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day, but I’ll play along 😉 Some of these will be hard to answer with just one choice. Also, these will be answered as “if I had a person”…
1. Would you rather celebrate Valentine’s Day at a cozy restaurant or at home cozied up in your favorite jammies?
Not gonna lie…I love being at home in my jammies but I do like to eat well too, so maybe both 🙂
2. Would you rather eat red velvet cake or wear red velvet?
I do like red velvet clothes, but I would probably still choose the red velvet cake over the clothing.
3. Would you rather receive a heart-shaped box of candy or a heart-shaped piece of jewelry?
It depends on the piece of jewelry. I would more than likely rather have the heart-shaped box of candy, preferably chocolate, but the good kind – you know the ones:)
4. Would you rather eat Reeses Pieces or a Reeses Peanut Butter Heart?
I would choose the Reeses Peanut Butter Heart but won’t turn down some Reeses Pieces either!
5. Would you rather watch a Valentine’s Day-themed movie or an action movie?
It all depends on the movie. I love some love stories, but if they are too cheesy, I can’t deal with them. If that’s the case, let’s go for action!
6. Would you rather give a box of chocolates to your person or a less-than-wonderful homemade card?
Box of chocolates, and hope they will share one or two 😉
7. Would you rather go to Tahiti or Iceland for Valentine’s Day?
Oh, I can’t choose between the two! How about both?! I love some beach time and tropical weather, but I’ve been to Iceland and I love everything about it!
8. Would you rather sing “At Last” by Etta James or “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith to your person?
“I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”, hands down.
9. Would you rather celebrate Valentine’s Day for a week or not at all?
Not at all. Just surprise your person often-don’t wait for a special day. Plus, the prices are always jacked up on Valentine’s Day.
10. Would you rather eat a really sour piece of candy or a single Brussels Sprout dipped in chocolate?
A sour piece of candy. Why ruin chocolate by putting a brussels sprout in it?
I know people love Iceland but right now I would love a tropical vacation more. I’m with you on question one. I can go either way, but I have had a houseful for a couple of weeks so feel a little cooked out. I’d like to be waited on : )